Saturday, May 9, 2009

Strange(r) Assumptions

Columbus, Ohio

Mother’s Day is approaching this weekend. It’s a favourite holiday of mine, since I get to celebrate not 1, not 2, but 3 moms.

Starting last year—and apparently continuing this year—something odd started happening. Complete strangers began wishing me Happy Mother’s Day in the days preceding the celebratory event. Me—mother to zero. I’m not offended by this act of kindness (I simply smile, say thank you, and move on with my—non-Mother’s –day). My curiosity is piqued, however…why would a stranger assume I am a mother?

Do I look like a mother? Act like a mom? I frequently scowl at ill-behaved children who are allowed to grace a public locale. Is it because strangers automatically assume since I have reached child-bearing age I must HAVE offspring?

Though I’m pretty darn certain I will one day (not soon) have a child (adoption), I’m quite certain that today is not the day to celebrate me as a mother. Rather, it is a time to say Happy Mother’s Day to other 3 other special women. They iron out the wrinkles of life, still put me in time-out when necessary, and tell me to suck it up when the scratches of life do not yield blood.

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